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Please make sure that you have read and understand everything below which will help guide us through our

We will have 40 minutes altogether.
·        The first 5 minutes will allow people to log in and greet one another.
·        The next 5 minutes will be a song or two as a call towards worshipful prayer.
·        The next 30 minutes will be focused prayer and the last 5 minutes will be time for feedback and farewells.
·        We will open the prayer time after the music and we will also conclude the prayer-time at the right time.
·        If you log in after the first five minutes, please be aware that we may be praying already if the music has stopped. Please join in as outlined in this briefing.

When you pray during this 'THRIVE in PRAYER' ZOOM GATHERING, please speak clearly so that others can hear you. If you wish to mute your video so you cannot be seen that’s fine.
·        Please be aware that even though you have joined with us online there is no expectation for you to pray out loud. It is quite acceptable if you prefer to mute your microphone whilst others are praying.
·        When you pray out loud, please introduce yourself each time by saying your name e.g. “Gary here …….”
·        Please limit your prayer to one specific point at a time so they others can add to / piggy-back off your prayer. When you have concluded your prayer please let us know by saying “AMEN”. 

What to do with the silence ? Please do not feel obliged to fill the silence with words. Allow the Lord to speak through/in the silence.
·        Have your Bible handy so that you may also pray the scriptures where appropriate.

Prayer spaces are not the place to sharewhat you know that others may not’ about people or situations. This is not news time it is prayer time!

If you have individual / personal prayer requests please send these through ahead of time so that they can be included in the list of more specific prayer points. On the night I will have these on the screen for you to refer to. No doubt there will always be last minute / hot points which can be accommodated for in the introductory time.


The list of prayer points thus far:

·        Our Pastors Marty & Cheryl
·        People in isolation / unwell / grieving
·        Refugees and others who for whatever reason are unable to access financial support or employment
·        Medical teams & front-liners
·        Research for a breakthrough in finding a vaccine
·        Our church services online for ministry impact and outreach
·        Our outreach ministries:
o   Oz Harvest
o   Mainly Music
o   Opshop
o   Men’s breakfasts
o   Kids Hope
·        Board of Elders - important decisions to be made

Let’s make the most of this 

Blessings of peace


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